Study in Hungary

Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Its capital, Budapest, is bisected by the Danube River. Its cityscape is studded with architectural landmarks from Buda’s medieval Castle Hill and grand neoclassical buildings along Pest’s Andrássy Avenue to the 19th-century Chain Bridge. Budapest is one of the top tourist destinations in Europe. The country is home to numerous World Heritage Sites such as UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, Lake Heviz (second largest thermal lake in the world, Lake Balaton (largest lake in Central Europe, Hortobagy (largest natural grassland in Europe).

Hungary is becoming an increasingly popular study abroad destination. Hungarian higher education has gained great credibility over the years. The Hungarian higher education system includes universities and other higher education institutes that provide both education curricula and related degrees up to doctoral degrees and also contribute to research activities. English and German language are important in Hungarian higher education system. Hungary adheres to the best study traditions in the world. Therefore, Hungarian degrees are accepted everywhere across the globe. Some important reasons which make Hungary attractive for higher education are:-


Work While Studying

Good Student Life

Rich History and Culture